Name : Michelina David
From : Sabah, Malaysia
Loves : My life, duh
Hates : Justin Bieber
Location : anywhere everywhere in the part of THE WORLD
I am CELINE and this is my blog, it's mine. GRR.. In this very little space from the World Wide Web, this could be the only place where i can have my freedom to express myself, rant whenever i wanted to, post non-sense shit, type asdfghjkl until i get tired like an idiot. I mean, who the hell in the world, uhmm (except me) would do that effin thing? of course no one. EXCEPT ME :D.I'm fourTEEN years old and I like crazy things. I'm completely obsess with caffeine and Ghost Whisperer. I think, that's all. ohyeah. I'm taken by Dexwell. do follow :)