is it?
Tuesday, 3 July 2012 @ 07:00 | 0 Comment [s]
heyy guys! so, my post for today is about POLITICS. you know.. the vote for me thingy. haha! actually, i'm not a politic hater but i'm still young. and young people or children shouldn't talk about politics. you know, when young people heard something about this politic thingy from their parents or even other grown-ups and the children will get influence by it and they will talk about politics A LOT. we, the young people should shut our mouth and let the grown-ups talk about this politic. we suppose to study and think about our future not about politics and making other people feel bad. to be truth, i'm one of the politics children and yes. i've been talking about politics lately and that was the time i thought about this. we, the young people should study not talk about politics (Y)
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